Breakfast Salad, 3 Ways

by Rachel Stuck, RDN

The video featured below introduces a new and improved approach to breakfast. While a traditional breakfast is often based around carbohydrates like cereal, toast, oatmeal, sweetened yogurts, and nutrition bars, we are going to completely redefine breakfast and showcase a recipe that is not only absolutely stunning but also a gut-healthy way to start the day.

Carb-heavy breakfasts with hidden added sugars lack nutrients. To boost breakfast’s nutrient content and make it gut-healthy, set a goal to have a few servings of vegetables for breakfast! We know that some commonly enjoyed breakfast items include a small amount of vegetables, like a smoothie or your morning omelet with spinach, but we are taking it to the next level with something we like to call breakfast salad.

Like any salad, the components will make or break how satisfying it is. Although we are focusing on breakfast salad today, remember you can utilize these suggestions for lunch and dinner salads too.

I know what you’re probably thinking: “How surprising! Another dietitian telling me to eat more salads.” But I promise that if you stay on board with me through this entire video, you will not be disappointed!

The beauty of breakfast salad is that it is versatile, meaning ingredients can be included or excluded depending on your preferences and dietary needs. To get your creative juices flowing, we showcase 3 ways to make breakfast salad. One of them is sure to spark your interest. Let’s pioneer the breakfast salad trend together!

The 3 Breakfast Salads demonstrated in this video include:

  1. Summer Breakfast Salad
  2. The Classic Breakfast Salad
  3. Greek Breakfast Salad

Each salad is a relatively large serving compared to what you might typically envision as a breakfast-sized meal, and this is no mistake! A large serving of vegetables not only adds nutrients and fiber to your meal, but it will also act as a perfect foundation to a protein-dense addition like eggs, nuts, seeds, quinoa, or breakfast-style meat like the chicken sausage that is prepared in the video. The addition of fiber-rich vegetables and lean protein will help you reach your Ixcela nutrition plan recommendations and keep you feeling satisfied all morning long. Don’t have an Ixcela Nutrition Plan? Click here to learn more about how to get your personalized nutrition and lifestyle plan and start improving your gut health.

The Summer Breakfast Salad is a lighter version that uses fresh strawberries and slivered almonds. With the addition of hard-boiled eggs, shredded carrots, and a vinaigrette dressing, the Summer Breakfast Salad becomes a well-rounded, nutrient-dense breakfast.

While the Summer Breakfast Salad is also a sweeter version, the other two recipes are savory-style breakfasts that pack in the protein. Hard-boiled eggs and sausage courtesy of One-Pan Sausage, Peppers, and Onions round out these two salads to offer more than 30 grams of protein per salad.

One-pan Sausage is one of our favorite recipes because it is a one-pan wonder that is ready in less than 20 minutes. Is there anything better than a meal that creates minimal dishes and is ready in a jiff?

To prepare One-Pan Sausage, Peppers, and Onions, you will first heat 1–2 tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat. Then, add sliced peppers and onions, followed by 4–5 chicken or turkey sausages. Cook for 10–15 minutes over medium heat or until sausage is browned to your liking.

Chicken sausage, as well as the sautéed peppers and onions, are included with The Classic Breakfast Salad recipe, but would also make a great addition to the Greek Salad if you are looking to boost the protein content. The Classic Breakfast Salad includes leafy greens, Roasted Sweet Potatoes, sautéed peppers and onions, cherry tomatoes, 2 hard-boiled eggs, and half a chicken sausage, and is topped with various seeds and spices. The Greek Salad includes a bed of greens topped with olives, cucumber, tomatoes, quinoa, and one hard-boiled egg, and is finished off with various seeds and spices.

Like the Summer Salad, the Greek and Classic Breakfast Salads can be changed to include more protein, low carbs, high to moderate carbs, or healthy fats to fit your dietary needs and preferences. Ixcela members and subscribers should go to The Classic Breakfast Salad recipe to find the full ingredient list, directions, and nutrient breakdown plus links to the Summer and Greek Breakfast Salad at the bottom of the recipe.

Finally, meal prep is highlighted in this video because, as we all know, preparation is key to mealtime success during a busy week. Making extra servings of sausage and putting together a few extra salads is a great way to have healthy options on hand not only for breakfast, but also for lunch, dinner, and snacks.

Unlock your gut potential!

How do you know what to cook for dinner if you want to improve your gastrointestinal fitness? How about your immuno fitness?

Did you know Ixcela customers receive access to our library of over 200 gut-healthy recipes? The easy-to-use filters allow you to find dishes to support your personal gut health and align with your dietary preferences. The Ixcela recipe library has something for every chef’s skill level and features ingredients that are readily available at most grocery stores.

Ready to start improving your gut health? Purchase Ixcela today for access to the Ixcela recipe, mindfulness, and fitness libraries, to help you implement your Ixcela personalized nutrition, supplement, mindfulness, and fitness recommendations.

Find the full video from our @ixcelawellness Facebook page here. Find link to the full recipes above!

About the Author

Photo: Rachel Stuck, RDN

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Rachel Stuck has a background in culinary arts and nutrition counseling. Rachel takes a positive approach to nutrition: she avoids recommending restrictive diets and instead focuses on helping people choose foods that promote health and well-being. She is passionate about empowering and assisting Ixcela members as they develop their unique, gut-healthy lifestyles.

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