WCVB Interviews Ixcela’s Dr. Erika Ebbel Angle and Scott Tindal

Not feeling so well? Your gut may be able to tell you why


WCVB talks with the Ixcela team about benefits of gut microbiome testing

WCVB interviews Ixcela CEO and co-founder Dr. Erika Ebbel Angle and performance coach Scott Tindal about the Ixcela gut test and how the results can be used to improve an individual’s health.

With a small amount of blood, Ixcela can determine if your diet and exercise regimen is really working for you. The gut is linked to all systems in the body, so paying attention to your gut health may help you prevent diseases, increase your energy and sports performance, and feel better overall. The Ixcela test measures metabolites in the body and scores individuals’ health in five categories.

It's really laid out in terms of an overall fitness score," said Scott Tindal, Ixcela's performance coach and nutritionist, as he pointed to the chart. "How can they improve that? How can they look at changing those metabolites through practical measures? That's the big thing."

Ixcela’s mission is helping people live healthier lives. By providing personalized, actionable steps, such as diet, exercise, and lifestyle recommendations, Ixcela helps people improve how they look and feel.

"People are actually motivated," Angle said. "They want to figure out why they feel terrible and they want to do something."

The video shares examples of Ixcela’s recommendations and offers tips everyone can use to improve their internal health.

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This interview was originally published on WCVB.com on February 21, 2018.