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Support Your Heart Health

Cardiovascular health is crucial for a long and active life, yet managing it can sometimes be overwhelming. At Ixcela, we offer personalized support to help you navigate the nutritional and lifestyle shifts that can improve heart health so that you can do the things you love to do.

We believe in personalized care tailored to your body’s unique needs and what’s realistic for you and your lifestyle.

With Ixcela, you will be paired with a Registered Dietitian and complete a proprietary test to gain insights into how your current nutrition and lifestyle habits support your cardiovascular health. Your dietitian will work closely with you to create a plan that targets heart health and aligns with your overall wellness goals.

  • Cutting-edge testing to identify nutrient imbalances that are important for heart health
  • Personalized dietary recommendations to promote cardiovascular wellness
  • Sustainable lifestyle modifications for long-term heart health

Cardiovascular concerns we address: 

  • High blood pressure 
  • High cholesterol levels 
  • Weight management 
  • Blood sugar regulation 
  • Fatigue and low energy levels 
  • Inflammation
  • Heart disease prevention

We help you take control of your heart health.

We understand the challenges of managing cardiovascular health often come with other symptoms like low energy, inflammation, and poor sleep. Focusing on dietary and lifestyle practices that support heart health will reduce inflammation, improve energy, and reduce risk of chronic illness. 

What our patients say:

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Ixcela offers a great service. The first 90 days helped me lose close to 15 lbs. under the guidance of Ixcela's expert Registered Dietitian team. The second 90 days helped me lower my blood pressure and cholesterol count. I highly recommend Ixcela for anyone looking to improve their nutrition and health!

Stephen Y.
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Incredible customer service, support, and expertise for athletes and everyday people trying to live a healthier and fitter life. Ixcela helped me train for my first triathlon, a Half IronMan 70.3, and was critical to my success. I lost 15 pounds and have a better understanding of how to take care of my gut health. Highly recommend!

Andy R.